BLIND IMITATION IS BAD - Short Stories for Children

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مشاركات: 252
اشترك في: مارس 20, 2023, 8:15 am

BLIND IMITATION IS BAD - Short Stories for Children

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BLIND IMITATION IS BAD - Short Stories for Children

One day, a saint while going somewhere with his disciples saw a pond full of fishes, on the way. He stopped there and started filling his mouth with fish. The disciples followed their guru. The saint said nothing to them and after some time moved ahead.
Then they reached another pond, where there were no fishes. The saint stood at its shore and started taking out the fishes he had swallowed. When the disciples saw this, they were
amazed and also tried to vomit out the fishes, but after many attempts, they could only take out some dead fishes.

At this, the saint said, "Fools, when you didn't know how to keep the fishes alive in the stomach, then why did you imitate me?"

Its truly said that never imitate anyone.
منتدى عين سوريا
مشاركات: 132
اشترك في: أغسطس 15, 2024, 12:04 pm

Re: BLIND IMITATION IS BAD - Short Stories for Children

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جار القمر كتب: يناير 21, 2024, 2:16 pm
BLIND IMITATION IS BAD - Short Stories for Children

One day, a saint while going somewhere with his disciples saw a pond full of fishes, on the way. He stopped there and started filling his mouth with fish. The disciples followed their guru. The saint said nothing to them and after some time moved ahead.
Then they reached another pond, where there were no fishes. The saint stood at its shore and started taking out the fishes he had swallowed. When the disciples saw this, they were
amazed and also tried to vomit out the fishes, but after many attempts, they could only take out some dead fishes.

At this, the saint said, "Fools, when you didn't know how to keep the fishes alive in the stomach, then why did you imitate me?"

Its truly said that never imitate anyone.
Thank you for your effort
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