WORK IS WORSHIP - Short Stories for Children

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جار القمر
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مشاركات: 252
اشترك في: مارس 20, 2023, 8:15 am

WORK IS WORSHIP - Short Stories for Children

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WORK IS WORSHIP - Short Stories for Children

One fine sunny day in winter, a grasshopper was basking in the warm sun. But he was very hungry, as he had not eaten anything since last night.
So, he looked about to find something to soothe his hunger. Suddenly, he saw few ants carrying grains into their hole.

He went up to the ants and asked humbly, "Can you, please, spare few grains for me. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. So, I am almost starving to death."

One of the ants asked the grasshopper, "What were you doing the whole summer? Why didn't you store up the food for the winter season?"

The grasshopper replied, "Truly speaking, I spent all the summer singing songs and that's why I couldn't store anything."
The ant chucked out a smile and remarked, "Then dance the winter away." The grasshopper pulled a long face and walked away.

So we say "Work is real worship".
منتدى عين سوريا
مشاركات: 132
اشترك في: أغسطس 15, 2024, 12:04 pm

Re: WORK IS WORSHIP - Short Stories for Children

مشاركة بواسطة فيروز »

جار القمر كتب: يناير 21, 2024, 12:18 pm
WORK IS WORSHIP - Short Stories for Children

One fine sunny day in winter, a grasshopper was basking in the warm sun. But he was very hungry, as he had not eaten anything since last night.
So, he looked about to find something to soothe his hunger. Suddenly, he saw few ants carrying grains into their hole.

He went up to the ants and asked humbly, "Can you, please, spare few grains for me. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. So, I am almost starving to death."

One of the ants asked the grasshopper, "What were you doing the whole summer? Why didn't you store up the food for the winter season?"

The grasshopper replied, "Truly speaking, I spent all the summer singing songs and that's why I couldn't store anything."
The ant chucked out a smile and remarked, "Then dance the winter away." The grasshopper pulled a long face and walked away.

So we say "Work is real worship".
Thank you for your effort
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