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Everyday Conversations Learning American English
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الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:42 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Introductions and Small Talk

Dialogue 1-1: Formal Greetings

JAMES: Good morning, Professor Austin, how are you doing?

PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Good morning, James. I am doing well. And you?

JAMES: I’m great, thank you. This is my friend Emma. She is thinking about applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please?

PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Hello, Emma! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week.

EMMA: It’s a pleasure to meet you, professor. Thank you so much for helping us.

PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Don’t mention it. Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions!
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:43 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-2: Informal Greetings and Farewells

JANE: Hi, Helen! How’s it going?

HELEN: Fine, thanks — and you?

JANE: Just fine. Where are you off to?

HELEN: To the library. I’ve got a history exam next week and need to start studying. Ugh.

JANE: Oh, no. Well, I’ll see you later then. Good luck!

HELEN: Thanks. See you later.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:44 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-3: Formal Introductions

MARGARET: Mr. Wilson, I’d like you to meet
Dr. Edward Smith.

MR. WILSON: It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Smith.

DR. SMITH: Pleasure to meet you, too.

MARGARET: Dr. Smith is an economist. He just finished writing a book on international trade.

MR. WILSON: Oh? That’s my field, too. I work for the
United Nations.

DR. SMITH: In the Development Program, by any chance?

MR. WILSON: Yes. How did you guess?

DR. SMITH: I’ve read your articles on technical assistance.
They’re excellent.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:46 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-4: Informal Introductions

JIM: Who’s the tall woman next to Barbara?

CHARLES: That’s her friend Mary. Didn’t you meet her at Steve’s party?

JIM: No, I wasn’t at Steve’s party.

CHARLES: Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Mary, this is my friend Jim.

MARY: Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you.

JIM: You, too. Would you like a drink?

MARY: Sure, let’s go get one.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:47 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1.5: What Time Is It?

NATASHA: What time is it? We’re going to be late!

TONY: It’s a quarter after seven. We’re on time. Don’t panic.

NATASHA: But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise party. We’ll never make it there with all this evening traffic.

TONY: Sure we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 8:00. But I do need help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park our car?
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:49 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-6: A Telephone Call

JOHN: Hi, Alice, it’s John. How are you?

ALICE: Oh, hi, John! I was just thinking about you.

JOHN: That’s nice. I was wondering if you’d like to go to a movie tonight.

ALICE: Sure, I’d love to! What’s playing?

JOHN: I was thinking about that new comedy Lights Out. What do you think?

ALICE: Sounds great!

JOHN: OK, I’ll pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at 8:00.

ALICE: See you then. Bye!
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:50 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-7: Can You Say That Again?

LUKE: Hello? Hi, Stephanie, how are things at the office?

STEPHANIE: Hi, Luke! How are you? Can you please stop and pick up extra paper for the computer printer?

LUKE: What did you say? Can you repeat that, please? Did you say to pick up ink for the printer? Sorry, the phone is cutting out.

STEPHANIE: Can you hear me now? No, I need more computer paper.
Listen, I’ll text you exactly what I need. Thanks, Luke.
Talk to you later.

LUKE: Thanks, Stephanie. Sorry, my phone has really bad
reception here.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:51 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-8: Coincidences

MEG: Well, hello there, Julia! Long time no see!

JULIA: Meg! Hi! What a coincidence! I haven’t seen you in ages! What are you doing here?

MEG: I just got a new job in the city, so I’m shopping for some clothes. Hey, what do you think of this shirt?

JULIA: Hmmm … well, you know how much I love blue. See? I’ve got the same shirt!

MEG: You always did have good taste! What a small world.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:52 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 1-9: Weather Report

JENNIFER: It’s freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought this cold front was supposed to pass.

GABRIELA: Yeah, I thought so too. That’s what I read online this morning.

JENNIFER: I guess the wind chill is really driving down
the temperature.

GABRIELA: Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go numb.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:53 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Around Town

Dialogue 2-1: Ordering a Meal

WAITER: Hello, I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink?

RALPH: Yes. I’ll have iced tea, please.

ANNA: And I’ll have lemonade.

WAITER: OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?

RALPH: I think we’re ready. I’ll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas.

WAITER: How do you want the beef — rare, medium, or well done?

RALPH: Well done, please.

ANNA: And I’ll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad.
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