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Everyday Conversations Learning American English
صفحة 2 من 4
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:54 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-2: At the Doctor’s Office

DOCTOR: What seems to be the problem?

CATHY: Well, I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also have a headache.

DOCTOR: How long have you had these symptoms?

CATHY: About three days now. And I’m really tired, too.

DOCTOR: Hmm. It sounds like you’ve got the flu. Take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest. Make sure you drink lots of fluids. Call me if you’re still sick next week.

CATHY: OK, thanks.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:55 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-3: Asking Directions

MARK: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the library is?

NANCY: Yes, it’s that way. You go three blocks to Washington Street, then turn right. It’s on the corner, across from the bank.

MARK: Thanks! I’ve only been in town a few days, so I really don’t know my way around yet.

NANCY: Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and
I still don’t know where everything is!
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:56 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-4: Calling for Help

PETER: Hey! That car just ran a red light and hit that truck!

GAIL: Is anyone hurt?

PETER: I don’t know … let’s call 911. … Hello? I’d like to report a car accident near the post office on Charles Street. It looks like a man is hurt. Yes, it just happened. OK, thanks. Bye.

GAIL: What did they say?

PETER: They’re going to send an ambulance and a police car right away.

GAIL: Good, they’re here. I hope the man is OK.

PETER: I know. You have to be so careful when you’re driving.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:57 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-5: At the Supermarket

LOUISE: Hey, Julia … Look at those desserts! How about baking some cookies today?

JULIA: Hmm … Yeah, that’s a great idea! While we’re here, let’s pick up the ingredients.

JULIA: OK, what do we need?

LOUISE: The recipe calls for flour, sugar and butter. Oh, and we also need eggs and chocolate chips.

JULIA: Why don’t you get the dairy ingredients? You’ll find those in the refrigerated section in the back of the store. I’ll get the dry ingredients — they’re in aisle 10.

LOUISE: Great! Let’s meet at the checkout.

JULIA: OK. See you there.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 2:59 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-6: Running Errands

HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: Hi, there. How can I help you?

CLAIRE: Well, I’m in town visiting for a few days, and I need to get some things done while I’m here.

HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: Sure. What do you need?

CLAIRE: I need to get my hair cut. I also need to have my new pants hemmed.

HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: OK. Here’s a map of the city. There’s a good hair
salon here, which is just a block away. And there’s a tailor right here. Is there anything else?

CLAIRE: Yes. I’ll need to have my car serviced before my long drive home!

HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: No problem. There’s a good mechanic a few
blocks away.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 3:03 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-7: At the Post Office

POSTAL CLERK: What can I do for you today?

CAROL: I need to mail this package to New York, please.

POSTAL CLERK: OK, let’s see how much it weighs … it’s about five pounds. If you send it express, it will get there
tomorrow. Or you can send it priority and it will get there by Saturday.

CAROL: Saturday is fine. How much will that be?

POSTAL CLERK: $11.35 [eleven thirty-five]. Do you need anything else?

CAROL: Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. I need a book of stamps, too.

POSTAL CLERK: OK, your total comes to $20.35
[twenty dollars and thirty-five cents].
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 3:05 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-8: Catching Up After Class

LINDA: Hey! How did your physics exam go?

FRANK: Not bad, thanks. I’m just glad it’s over! How about you … how’d your presentation go?

LINDA: Oh, it went really well. Thanks for helping me with it!

FRANK: No problem. So … do you feel like studying tomorrow for our math exam?

LINDA: Yeah, sure! Come over around 10:00, after breakfast.

FRANK: All right. I’ll bring my notes.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 3:06 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-9: Shopping

SALESPERSON: Can I help you?

GLORIA: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater — in a size medium.

SALESPERSON: Let’s see … here’s a nice white one. What do you think?

GLORIA: I think I’d rather have it in blue.

SALESPERSON: OK … here’s blue, in a medium. Would you
like to try it on?

GLORIA: OK … yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it?
SALESPERSON: It’s $50. It will be $53, with tax.

GLORIA: Perfect! I’ll take it.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 3:09 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Dialogue 2-10: Transportation

JOYCE: Should we take a taxi or a bus to the mall?

BILL: Let’s take a bus. It’s impossible to get a taxi during rush hour.

JOYCE: Isn’t that a bus stop over there?

BILL: Yes ... Oh! There’s a bus now. We’ll have to run to catch it.

JOYCE: Oh, no! We just missed it.

BILL: No problem. There’ll be another one in 10 minutes.
الكاتب:  جار القمر [ يناير 11, 2024, 3:11 pm ]
عنوان المشاركة:  Re: Everyday Conversations Learning American English

Pastimes and Activities

Dialogue 3-1: How Old Are You?

PATT Y: I’m really excited for Aunt Mary’s surprise birthday party
this afternoon! Aren’t you?

SUSAN: Yeah! How old is she?

PATT Y: She’ll be 55 on May 14 [fourteenth].

SUSAN: Wow! I didn’t know that my mom was older — she’s going to be 57 on September 2 [second]. Anyway, Aunt Mary’s going to be so surprised to see us all here!

PATT Y: I know! But we still have to get all the food set up before she gets here … OK! We’re all ready now. Shh! She’s here!

ALL: Surprise!
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